Is It Safe to Use Someone Else’s Epi-Pen in Anaphylactic Situations?

Question: In cases of anaphylaxis in a remote or wilderness environment, is it ever acceptable to use another person’s Epi-Pen? Survival Med’s Answer: Certainly. While it’s ideal to use the patient’s prescribed Epi-Pen, if someone is in anaphylaxis without their own, using another person’s Epi-Pen is justifiable. In public places like schools or sports facilities,…

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Blowup Mattresses, Burritos & Buddies: What Works To Treat Hypothermia?

Question: In mountain or cold weather rescue situations, can I use a blow-up mattress when wrapping someone who’s hypothermic in a “burrito”? What about buddy warming? Survival Med’s Answer: There are many ways to manage hypothermia. Let’s discuss two common methods: Insulation from Ground: Any insulating wrap, including a blow-up mattress, can serve as the…

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What’s a Dual-Layer Pad for Blister Prevention and What Product Should I to My First Aid Kit?

Question: What’s a dual-layer pad for blister prevention in hiking, backpacking and ultrarunning scenarios, and can you provide details on the best products for inclusion in a first aid kit? Survival Med’s Answer: A dual-layer pad for blister prevention is a specialized adhesive pad designed to safeguard the skin and prevent blister formation or exacerbation.…

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What Does It Mean to Tolerate Fluids?

Question: What does “unable to tolerate oral fluids for more than 48 hours” really mean? Does it refer to persistent vomiting and diarrhea? Survival Med’s Answer: When we say someone can’t handle liquids, it means they’re throwing up everything they try to drink. So, if you hear about “unable to tolerate oral fluids for more…

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What Bacterial Infections Are Likeliest in the Canadian Northwoods?

Question: What bacterial infections are likeliest in the Canadian Northwoods? Survival Med’s Answer: In the Canadian Northwoods, there aren’t specific bacteria of concern that are unique to the area, but certain risks come with outdoor activities. Here are some you should be aware of when venturing into the woods: Leptospirosis: Bacterial infection with water exposure,…

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Is Betadine a Good Choice for Wound Treatment?

Question: Is Betadine a suitable choice for wound treatment in wilderness first aid situations? Survival Med’s Answer: Betadine is valuable, but its use should be specific. For routine scrapes and cuts, liquid antibacterial soap is preferable. Betadine, a virucidal agent, is appropriate for cleansing animal bites and disinfecting instruments, especially in the wilderness. Although less…

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What Do I Do During a MARCH Assessment?

Question: When responding to a wilderness medical emergency, what should be done if one side of the chest does not rise during a MARCH assessment? Survival Med’s Answer: During a MARCH assessment, if one side of the chest doesn’t rise, it suggests a potential pneumothorax (collapsed lung). Immediate evacuation is crucial, and preparation for CPR…

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