Survival Med's Wilderness First Aid and Wilderness First Responder certifications and Wilderness First Responder recertifications are accepted by most federal and state agencies, employers, non-profits and other organizations.
We're happy to check our records if you're wondering whether a specific organization accepts our online, hybrid or in-person certifications. It's also a good idea to check with your organization.
If your organization requires a live component, our WFA and WFR courses offer a live Zoom option led by a licensed U.S. medical provider.
If your organization requires an in-person component, we offer hybrid WFA and WFR courses in selected locations that include 4-8 hours of in-person instruction.
Questions? Just click the Help bubble in the corner to email Student Support.
National & State Parks
Including Rocky Mountain, Grand Canyon, Katmai, New River Gorge and many others!
Search & Rescue
Approved by NASAR for SARTECH & accepted by Washington Area Mountain Rescue, Yosemite SAR, Alaska CERT/VFF, McMurdo Station (Antarctica) Polar SAR, Adirondacks Mountain Rescue, Antigua & Barbuda SAR & many more!
Federal & State Agencies
National Park Service, USDA Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey, Montana Board of Outfitters, NASA, DOD, VA and many more!
Outfitters & travel businesses including Western River Expeditions, Northeast Whitewater, Montana Whitewater, Alaska Mountain Guides & Climbing School & many more!
Employers including SWCA Environmental Consultants, American Queen Voyages, Exodus Outdoor Adventures, Great Basin Institute and many others!
Non-Profits & Clubs
Non-profits including American Canoe Assn/PaddleSports, local Sierra Club chapters, Americorps, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts (excluding high-adventure bases), Luke5 Adventures & many others!
Colleges, universities, middle schools and high schools, including University of Montana, University of Colorado and many more!