Test-drive Wilderness First Responder with this free mini-course!

Sample Course Content
Check out sample course materials, a sample assessment and preview your personalized WFR certificate.

Hands-On Experience
Try out the optional hands-on wilderness medical scenario and our unique video & photo grading & feedback

Know Before You Enroll
How long does it take? How hard is it? Get the info you need to enroll with confidence.
Wilderness First Responder Certification FAQ
Wilderness First Responder: for people who run towards emergencies.
* advanced content not found in other in-person or hybrid Wilderness First Responder courses
Unfiltered Customer Reviews
Survival Med Faculty
Natalie Bonthius, MD
Founder of Survival Med & Emergency & Survival Medicine Physician, UHS-Southern California
Carson Harper, MD
Emergency Medicine Physician, UHS-Southern California
Richard Ingebretsen, MD
Clinical Instructor & Wild Med U Program Director, University of Utah School of Medicine
Grange, EMT-P
Paramedic & Firefighter, Jackson Hole Fire & EMS and Grand Teton National Park
Ryan Jacobs, NRP & W-EMT
Instructor: BLS, ACLS, PALS, EMR, Advanced First Aid & First Aid for Severe Trauma & AWLS