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Outdoor First Aid for Athletes: Steep Endurance

PREVENTION & FIRST AID FOR WILDLIFE ENCOUNTERS + COMMON OUTDOOR INJURIES & ILLNESS • Self-Paced Online Study • Hands-On Practical Skills + Bonus Northeast U.S. Wilderness First Aid Course




"The secret isn't in your legs but in your strength of mind." ~Kilian Jornet

Two runners - Mine Hill Half Marathon

90 Days Unlimited Access Includes:

What You'll Learn

Via self-paced online lectures, interactive video scenarios, medical case assignments, knowledge checks & quizzes

Injury assessment & basic life support
Injury assessment and life support

MARCH & SAMPLE patient assessment protocols; breathing, circulatory & nervous system assessment; spinal stabilization; basic CPR & Heimlich maneuver training

Common outdoor medical problems
Common outdoor medical problems

Treating & stabilizing impalements, broken bones, finger amputations, muscle injuries, bleeding, wounds, cold injuries, heat illness, lightning and altitude ilness & more

Terrain, temperature & weather hazards
Terrain, temperature and weather hazards

Heat & cold related injuries; wildfires, lightning & burns; floods, tides & drowning; avalanches & earthquakes; acute mountain & altitude sickness (AMS, HACE, HAPE)

Wildlife attacks & treating injuries
Wildlife attacks and treating injuries

Dealing with grizzlies, black bears, mountain lions; snakes & scorpions; other venomous animal & insect bites, stings, rabies prevention & communicable & waterborne diseases

Basic outdoor survival skills
Terrain, temperature & weather haards

Route, logistics & supplies planning; avoiding getting lost, signaling for rescue; finding and treating water for safe drinking, maximizing chances of being found alive

Learn to improvise medical care
with everyday items

Natalie practical skills demo

Skills training on basic CPR, tourniquets, neck braces, splints, compression bandages, Epipens & more


Practice your new skills at home or at work using yourself, family, friends or coworkers as patients

Improvise medical care with everyday items

Learn to treat injuries & save lives using everyday items to improvise splints, tourniquets & more

Certificate of Completion

Survival Med Outdoor First Aid for Athletes Certificate

Unfiltered customer reviews

Survival Med Faculty

Dr. Natalie Bonthius skiing
Natalie Bonthius, MD

Founder of Survival Med & Emergency & Survival Medicine Physician, UHS-Southern California

Dr. Carson Harper
Carson Harper, MD

Emergency Medicine Physician, UHS-Southern California

Dr. Richard Ingebretsen
Richard Ingebretsen, MD

Clinical Instructor & Wild Med U Program Director, University of Utah School of Medicine

Kevin Grange, Paramedic
Grange, EMT-P

Paramedic & Firefighter, Jackson Hole Fire & EMS and Grand Teton National Park

Ryan Jacobs, Paramedic
Ryan Jacobs, NRP & W-EMT

Instructor: BLS, ACLS, PALS, EMR, Advanced First Aid & First Aid for Severe Trauma & AWLS